Marketing strategies for the concious woman

Helping women across the world to build a wildly successful online business doing what they LOVE.


This is SO for me- tell me more!


IĀ´m Helena. Success coach to online female entrepreneurs.

Digital She Boss- The program

Coming soon!


The possibilities for having success online has never been greater. All you need is the right strategy for putting it all together.


Get through the techy stuff, such as creating landing pages, sales funnels and automated email marketing. 


Once set up, you can begin to enjoy passive income streams and have more time for YOU and the things that you love.

"I became interested in the online world back in 2011. The techy stuff scared me the most. After having learnt the right strategies, my online business took off quickly. Today I am working full time as a success coach teaching others how to build a successful online business. Creating and selling digital courses has improved my life immensely."

Helena Biehl
Online Marketing Strategist

50% Complete

Two Step

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